
Server-side Google Tag Manager (sGTM) integration with Hardal enables you to process and route your analytics data through your GTM server container, providing better control over data collection and improved performance.


Before setting up server-side GTM, ensure you have:

  • A configured Google Tag Manager server container

  • Access to your Hardal dashboard

  • Your GTM server container’s Config Key (see below for how to find it)

Setting up a custom domain for your sGTM container is recommended for better data ownership and reliability.

Finding Your Config Key


Access Server Container

  1. Log into Google Tag Manager

  2. Select your server container from the container list

  3. Ensure you’re viewing the server container (marked with “Server” tag)


Navigate to Admin Settings

  1. Click the “Admin” button in the top navigation

  2. Select “Container Settings” from the middle column


Locate Config Key

  1. Scroll to the “Container Config” section

  2. Find the “Container Config Key” field

  3. Copy the displayed key value

The Container Config Key is a string of characters unique to your server container. Keep this key secure as it provides access to your container configuration.

Setup Process


Configure Server-side Host

  1. Log into your Hardal dashboard

  2. Navigate to “Server-side Hosts”

  3. Find the “Server-side Google Tag Manager” section

  4. Enter your config key to configuration settings


Verify Setup

  1. Enable preview mode in your sGTM container

  2. Check server container logs for incoming events

  3. Monitor for any error messages


Common Issues