Reporting Events Table Schema

All events are reported to the reporting_events table. And table is partitioned by created_at date.

You can use the server_distinct_id to build your own user profiles and event tracking as cookieless analytics.

Table Fields

Column NameData TypeDescription
created_atDateTimeTimestamp when the event was created
event_nameStringName of the event (e.g., ‘page_view’, ‘click’)
server_distinct_idStringUnique identifier for the user/session
page_urlStringComplete URL of the page
page_pathStringPath component of the URL
page_titleStringPage title from HTML
page_protocolStringProtocol used (e.g., ‘https:‘)
page_hostnameStringDomain name of the website
page_hashStringURL hash component
page_referrerStringURL of the referring page
screen_resolutionStringScreen resolution (e.g., ‘1920x1080’)
screen_color_depthUInt8Color depth of the screen in bits
screen_pixel_depthUInt8Pixel depth of the screen
screen_viewport_sizeStringVisible area size (e.g., ‘1879x928’)
screen_device_pixel_ratioFloat32Device pixel ratio for retina displays
browser_nameStringBrowser name (e.g., ‘Chrome’)
browser_versionStringBrowser version number
browser_languageStringBrowser language setting
browser_platformStringOperating system platform
browser_vendorStringBrowser vendor name
browser_user_agentStringComplete user agent string
device_typeStringDevice type (e.g., ‘desktop’, ‘mobile’)
timezoneStringUser’s timezone
utm_sourceStringTraffic source identifier
utm_mediumStringMarketing medium (e.g., ‘cpc’, ‘email’)
utm_campaignStringCampaign name
utm_termStringPaid search keywords
utm_contentStringAd content identifier
event_sourceStringSource of the event
session_idUInt32Unique identifier for user session
session_duration_minutesUInt32Duration of the session in minutes
event_count_per_sessionUInt32Number of events in the current session
unique_page_views_per_sessionUInt32Number of unique pages viewed in session
returning_visitorUInt8Boolean flag indicating if user is returning (0/1)
engagement_scoreFloat32Calculated engagement score based on session metrics