Server-side Google Tag Manager
Choose Server-Side Google Tag Manager (SGTM) in container configuration section and fill the container required fields.
Container Name
Container's display name on the app.
- Example: MySGTMContainer
We recommend using a related name with your web or app.
Container Config Key
This config is provided by Google Tag Manager. To get your Container Config, you have to manual server-side container provision on Google Tag Manager.
Open Google Tag Manager.
In the account row, click on the overflow menu > Create Container.
Create a new server container.
Click the "Manually provision tagging server" radio button. Note the container config. You'll need it to provision your server when you are deploying container on Hardal.
See details (opens in a new tab).
Container Locations
Your SGTM cloud server locations. Once you setup, you couldn't change this location. Default location is us-central1 (Iowa).
Hardal is currently running server locations that available on Google Cloud Run.
- asia-east1 (Taiwan)
- asia-northeast1 (Tokyo)
- asia-northeast2 (Osaka)
- europe-north1 (Finland)
- europe-southwest1 (Madrid)
- europe-west1 (Belgium)
- europe-west4 (Netherlands)
- europe-west8 (Milan)
- europe-west9 (Paris)
- me-west1 (Tel Aviv)
- us-central1 (Iowa)
- us-east1 (South Carolina)
- us-east4 (Northern Virginia)
- us-east5 (Columbus)
- us-south1 (Dallas)
- us-west1 (Oregon)
Configure advanced settings based on your project requirements.
Click Deploy to generate the container with the specified containers.